Recently Bharathiar University Results 2017 Optometry course and BU-CC2 has been declared by the official website. You can check both UG/ PG Bharathiar University Result in this post for both regular and Revaluation results. Result of M.B.A/ B.Ed/ M.Phil/ Ph.D/ M.C.A/ B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com and all other diploma course results link are updated in this post to check your result. Result of any year and semesters of Bharthiar University Results 2017 can be accessed from this post.
About Bharathiar University Results 2017
The Bharathiar Univesity was established by the government of the Tamilnadu in February 1982, The name of the University is inspired by the great poet Subramania Bharathi. It was established with a vision to promote quality higher education in professional courses among the students. Most of their courses are semester-based and result of which they declare in the month of June and January respectively. Recently they had declared UG/ PG exam results which were taken in the month of April and May 2017. The link to check the UG/ PG Bharathiar University Results 2017 is updated in this post with the process.
How to check Bharathiar University Results 2017
Follow the step given below
1- Visit the official result page to select the course –
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#dc5c07″ size=”5″ center=”yes” rel=”nofollow”]Click Here[/su_button]
2- Select the department and then select the course like the image below-
3- On next page enter your Register number and then click on Results.
4- Wait for few seconds till your result is loading.
5- Copy the marks or download the mark sheet after getting the result.
How to check Bharathiar University distance education results-
You can also check the Bharathiar University Distance Education results 2017 in the same way as you checked your regular results. Just select the Distance Education on the result page like the image given above and follow the rest of the process. The same process will apply to check Bharathiar University UG/ PG results 2017.